CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Criminal Law & Procedure (Feb 2006)
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今回はFeb 2006のQ6, Criminal Law and Procedure です。またまた少し古いですが、練習には良い問題だと思います。
Feb 2006 Question 6
Deft saw Oscar, a uniformed police officer, attempting to arrest Friend, who was resisting arrest. Believing that Oscar was arresting Friend unlawfully, Deft struck Oscar in an effort to aid Friend. Both Friend and Deft fled.
The next day, as a result of Oscar’s precise description of Deft, Paula, another police officer, found Deft on the street, arrested him for assault and battery and searched him, finding cocaine in his pocket. After Paula gave proper Miranda warnings, Deft said he wanted to talk to a lawyer before answering any questions. Paula did not interrogate him. However, before an attorney could be appointed to represent Deft, Paula placed him in a
lineup. Oscar identified Deft as his assailant. Deft was then charged with assault and battery of a police officer and possession of cocaine. Thereafter, he was arraigned.
The next day Paula gave Deft, who was without counsel, proper Miranda warnings, obtained a waiver, and interrogated him. He admitted striking Oscar.
How should the judge rule on the following motions made by Deft at trial:
1. To suppress the cocaine? Discuss.
2. To suppress Oscar’s identification during the lineup? Discuss.
3. To suppress Deft’s admission that he struck Oscar? Discuss.
4. For an instruction to the jury that Deft’s assault was justified on the basis of defense of another? Discuss.
今回も小問がたくさんあるタイプです。Q1が書きやすい問題なので、前半に時間をかけすぎないように注意。また、違法収集証拠の問題は、必ずexclusionary ruleから答案を始めるのがお作法です。
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