CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Con Law (Feb 2011)

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February 2011 Question 2

Out of a sense of patriotism, Charles enlisted in the United States Army. Charles had risen to the rank of Captain.

Shortly after that promotion, after serious reflection, Charles began to rethink his previous religious, philosophical, and political views. He modified the religious preference he listed on his Army records from “Christian” to “Belief in a Superior Principle of Noninterference with Others Who Have Not Harmed You.” Charles concluded that his belief did not prohibit his assignment to duty in Country A, but it did preclude his assignment to duty in Country B.

Federal law requires military personnel to accept any assignment to duty, but when Charles was assigned to duty in Country B, he declined to go, and was charged with refusing to deploy. Since the charges were brought, Charles has frequently criticized American involvement in Country B.

Charles wishes to raise a defense against the refusal to deploy charge based solely on (1) the Free Exercise Clause and (2) the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

What is the likelihood of Charles prevailing? Discuss.


note掲載_Con Law_2011Feb_1


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