CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Torts (Feb 2008)

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February 2008 Question 1

Peter, a twelve-year old, was playing with his pet pigeon in a field near his home, which is adjacent to a high voltage electricity power substation. The substation is surrounded by a six-foot tall chain link fence topped with barbed wire. Attached to the fence are twelve 10 inch by 14 inch warning signs, which read “Danger High Voltage.”

Peter’s pigeon flew into the substation and landed on a piece of equipment. In an attempt to retrieve his pet, Peter climbed the surrounding fence, then scaled a steel support to a height of approximately ten feet from where the bird was stranded. When Peter grasped the bird, it fluttered from his hand, struck Peter in the face, causing Peter to come into contact with a high voltage wire, which caused him severe burns.

Peter’s father is contemplating filing a lawsuit on Peter’s behalf against the owner and operator of the substation, Power and Light Company (PLC), to recover damages arising from the accident.

What causes of action might Peter’s father reasonably assert against PLC, what defenses can PLC reasonably raise, and what is the likely outcome on each? Discuss.




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