CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Torts (July 2010)
Bar Review Course作成のEssay答案は完璧すぎ&長すぎて参考にならないという方向けに、書きためた答案を公開していきたいと思います!日本の司法試験もそうですが、結局一番参考になるのは、予備校の模範答案ではなくリアルな再現答案ですからね。
公開するのは、私が実際に1時間計って解いた答案を、ギリギリ合格ラインまたは合格ライン少し上になるように手直ししたものです。手直しにあたっては某Bar Review Courseの採点表を参照していますが、あくまで自己採点なのでその点はご承知おき下さい。
では、July 2010のQ1 です。
July 2010 Question 1
Homeowner kept a handgun on his bedside table in order to protect himself against intruders. A statute provides that “all firearms must be stored in a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked.” Burglar broke into Homeowner’s house while Homeowner was out and stole the handgun.
Burglar subsequently used the handgun in an attack on Patron in a parking lot belonging to Cinema. Patron had just exited Cinema around midnight after viewing a late movie. During the attack, Burglar approached Patron and demanded that she hand over her purse. Patron refused. Burglar drew the handgun, pointed it at Patron, and stated, “You made me mad, so now I’m going to shoot you.”
Patron fainted out of shock and suffered a concussion. Burglar took her purse and fled, but was later apprehended by the police. Cinema had been aware of several previous attacks on its customers in the parking lot at night during the past several years, but provided no lighting or security guard.
Under what theory or theories, if any, might Patron bring an action for damages against Homeowner, Burglar, or Cinema? Discuss.
ちなみに、私が受験した時代(かなり昔ですが...)の日本の司法試験では、「論点飛びつき」はよくない、なぜその論点が出てくるかの問題提起が大切と言われたりしていました。CA Bar Examではその心配は不要です。問題提起の仕方に頭を悩ませるぐらいなら、issueの名前だけ書いてすぐrule, applicationに移りましょう!
California Bar Exam 受験生を全力で応援しています!