CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Professional Responsibility (July 2008)
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July 2008 Question 1
Alex is a recently-licensed attorney with a solo law practice. Alex was contacted by Booker, a friend during college, who is now a successful publisher of educational books and software. Booker asked Alex to perform the legal work to form a partnership between Booker and Clare, a creative writer of books for children. In a brief meeting with Booker and Clare, Alex agreed to represent both of them and set up the partnership for a fee of $5,000.
Because Alex had no experience with forming partnerships, he hired Dale, a recently disbarred attorney, as a ―paralegal‖ at a wage of $250 an hour. Although Dale had no paralegal training or certification, he had decades of experience in law practice, including the formation of partnerships. Alex notified the State Bar about hiring Dale and disclosed Dale‘s involvement and disbarred status to both Booker and Clare.
Dale spent four hours on his own preparing the partnership documents and meeting with Booker and Clare about them. Alex paid Dale $1,000 for his work. Alex spent a total of two hours on the partnership matter, including the initial meeting with Booker and Clare, reading the partnership documents in order to learn about partnerships, and a final meeting to have Booker and Clare sign the documents.
What ethical violations, if any, has Alex committed? Discuss. Answer according to California and ABA authorities.
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