CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Evidence (Feb 2012)

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February 2012 Question 3

Paul sued David in federal court for damages for injuries arising from an automobile accident.

At trial, in his case-in-chief, Paul testified that he was driving westbound, under the speed limit, in the right-hand lane of a highway having two westbound lanes. He further testified that his passenger, Vera, calmly told him she saw a black SUV behind them weaving recklessly through the traffic. He also testified that, about 30 seconds later, he saw David driving a black SUV, which appeared in the left lane and swerved in front of him. He testified that David’s black SUV hit the front of his car, seriously injuring him
and killing Vera. He rested his case.

In his case-in-chief, David testified that Paul was speeding, lost control of his car, and ran into him. David called Molly, who testified that, on the day of the accident, she had been driving on the highway, saw the aftermath of the accident, stopped to help, and spoke with Paul about the accident. She testified further that, as soon as Paul was taken away in an ambulance, she carefully wrote down notes of what Paul had said to her. She testified that she had no recollection of the conversation. David showed her a photocopy of her notes and she identified them as the ones she wrote down immediately after the accident. The photocopy of the notes was admitted into evidence. The photocopy of the notes stated that Paul told Molly that he was at fault because he was driving too fast and that he offered to pay medical expenses for anyone injured. David rested his case.

Assuming that all appropriate objections and motions were timely made, should the court have admitted:
1. Vera’s statement? Discuss.
2. The photocopy of Molly’s notes? Discuss.

Answer according to the Federal Rules of Evidence.




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