CA Bar Exam 練習答案: Contracts (July 2012)
Bar Review Course作成のEssay答案は完璧すぎ&長すぎて参考にならないという方向けに、過去に書きためた答案を公開していきます。公開するのは、私が実際に1時間計って解いた答案を、ギリギリ合格ラインまたは合格ライン少し上になるように手直ししたものです。手直しにあたっては某Bar Review Courseの採点表を参照していますが、あくまで自己採点なのでその点はご承知おき下さい。
July 2012のQ4, Contracts (と少しRemedies) です。
July 2012 Question 4
Peter responded to an advertisement placed by Della, a dentist, seeking a dental hygienist. After an interview, Della offered Peter the job and said she would either: (1) pay him $50,000 per year; or (2) pay him $40,000 per year and agree to convey to him a parcel of land, worth about $50,000, if he would agree to work for her for three consecutive years. Peter accepted the offer and said, “I’d like to go with the second option, but I would like a commitment for an additional three years after the first three.” Della said, “Good, I’d like you to start next week.”
After Peter started work, Della handed him a letter she had signed which stated only that he had agreed to work as a dental hygienist at a salary of $40,000 per year.
After Peter had worked for two years and nine months, Della decided that she would sell the parcel of land and not convey it to him. Even though she had always been satisfied with his work, she fired him.
What rights does Peter have and what remedies might he obtain as to employment and the parcel of land? Discuss.
法律系の論文試験対策で、時々「印象点」加点の有無が話題になったりしますが、直接点数に結びつくかどうかは別としても、整った答案(印象の良い答案)の方が採点者にきちんと読んでもらえるというのは間違いないと思います。特に第一印象、書き出しは大事。ContractsのEssayの場合、書き出しはかなりの確率で、governing lawからのcontract formationになるので、かっちり書けるようにしておきましょう。長く書く必要はないです。簡単なので差がつくポイントではありませんが、「みんなが書けている論点を同じように書けている」というのは、受験の観点ではとても大切です。
California Bar Exam 受験生を全力で応援しています!