





1)I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but I immediately questioned if this has anything to with the CDC lab monkeys escaping from the transport truck in Pennsylvania back in February.

So I dug into it and what I found was interesting and highly alarming.

I split it into multiple posts so I can attach all of the supporting links.






2)A quick refresher. February 1, 2022, a CDC transport carrying 100 “possibly infected” lab monkeys, crashed in Pennsylvania and 3 monkeys escaped for a few days and eventually were caught and killed. The Monkeys were flown from Mauritius, a small island 400 miles off the coast of Madagascar, to New York, and were allegedly being transported by truck to an undisclosed “CDC Quarantine Facility”.

The CDC have been “tight-lipped” about what possible infections the monkeys could have been carrying. The airline, Kenya Airways, declined to disclose who shipped the monkeys, but said they were cancelling their subscription of providing their transport to assist the CDC.

Who is sending infectious lab monkeys to the CDC from tiny islands in Africa? And why are all parties involved so desperate to keep it a secret? Is this how the black site biological network traffics pathogens back to America? Using animals as vessels to hide biological weapon trafficking? The most damning evidence in Ukraine was found at veterinary clinics 🤔






3)Monkeypox was originally discovered in experimental lab monkeys in Denmark in 1958 which were shipped from Singapore. The first human outbreak occurred in The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 12 years later in 1970, as a result an “intensified effort due to Smallpox vaccination”, by the United Nations. The WHO and CDC claim that since smallpox was mostly eradicated, monkeypox took the place in the niche opened up in The Congo. Needless to say I don’t believe them.

Keep in mind the US CIA played a SIGNIFICANT role in the warfare, assassinations, and military revolutions that took place in The Congo and all of central Africa in the 60s and 70s. They assisted Joseph Mobutu in a military coup, aka US CIA Colour Revolution. In November, 1970, The Congo held an “election” with only Mobutu’s name in the ballot. This also happened to be the same year that the monkeypox outbreak occurred, leading up to the election.

I don’t know if the outbreak and CIA involvement are connected, but some of the biggest players in the international biological network, the WHO, CDC and CIA, just seem to be hovering around all of the outbreaks in the world since the 1940s. Whether they be in Africa, Ukraine, China, the same entities are always involved and end up being the beneficiaries of the outbreaks.





4)Now, I’m not sure if this current monkeypox outbreak is connected to the lab monkeys escaping in Pennsylvania, but given what we have seen with C19, the first place we should be pointing the finger is at the US Government, i.e. the CDC and NIH.

I think we all can agree that the US and global biological network needs to be shut down, investigated, and the entirety of global bioethics re-examined. The people we put in charge have proven time and time again that they are at the VERY LEAST criminally negligent with these pathogens and their research. But to assume their repeated offenses are accidental… would be foolish.











Excellent observation. I was curious as to all that as well. I was wondering why it seemed to be just predominantly white countries. But it’s about NATO.

Initially I wasn’t trying to talk too much about the Monkeypox because I wasn’t sure if it was going to amount to anything, but there are media articles and headlines in all these countries about the alleged “Monkeypox”. Belgium is implementing quarantine. The US is ordering millions of “Monkeypox” vaccines.

I don’t know if it’s just shingles, or a side effect caused by vaccines, or if it’s actually a viral pathogen that was released, or if it’s smallpox, or if nothing is released at all. I have no idea. But what I do know is, the western media complex is gearing up for something.

To me, it looks like the media is setting up another “pandemic”. And the narrative is going to be that Russia released it on NATO countries. All of this to try and divert attention from NATO countries creating bioweapons in Ukraine.

And yes their ultimate goal is to implement mail-in voting for November because they are about to get buried. They need voter fraud.

If you all thought this was already crazy enough, I have a feeling it’s about to get a lot crazier.





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