
What are the Best Health Insurance Policies for Parents?

In India, there is a long list of insurance providers who claim to offer affordable health insurance plans. But when it comes to choosing a plan for parents, one needs to be careful.

Are you looking for the best options among the existing health insurance plans for your family? Read on to find out the best plan based on the featurewise comparison of plans across providers.

Health insurance cover for parents: why is it important?
Aging increases the likelihood of catching diseases. This puts seniors at the risk of catching up with a disease. For this reason, individuals need to plan things accordingly to meet medical expenses for their parents in the hour of need.

A custom health insurance cover for parents offers the following features:

Health Insurance coverage
A health insurance policy comes with several benefits. These include domiciliary hospitalization, in-patient hospitalization, daycare procedures, critical illness cover, pre-hospitalization, and post-hospitalization.

Sum Insured Amount
Due to aging, parents, who happen to be senior citizens, become vulnerable to illnesses. Hospitalization can be expensive, and it can be a challenge for one to arrange for its cost all of a sudden. When you buy a health insurance policy for your parents, you also get a sum insured amount along with it that can come in handy for you to meet the hospitalization expenses.

Tax Benefits
Just like other insurance plans, health insurance plans for parents also come with tax benefits. Any payment that goes towards a health insurance policy is entitled to tax benefits; it means that those who pay for it also get tax exemption for the same.

Tabular comparison of providers for the best health insurance policies for parents

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Final thoughts
You can explore a wide range of possibilities across providers while looking for the best insurance plan for parents. Such plans come with a number of benefits for parents. Compare the features of the top plans to choose the pick of the bunch depending on your needs.

Photo Credit-Pexels.com
