2021 Review vol.2(Spring Wild Grass Club Activities)

Late March in Hokkaido, snow melting….

If you look closely, you can feel the signs of spring.
I love spring.

Blue Ezo Engosaku and Fukuju grass blooming first in spring.

The reason is...
Because the budding of plants is beautiful and delicious to eat.
Yoichi Eco Village forest in early spring in April.

In order to sprout life at once,
Trees in the forest suck up plenty of snowmelt water from the earth.
I collected the sap with my friends and drank it.
Slightly sweet water.

Itaya-maple sap

Thank you for the precious blessings of early spring!!
And the forest blooms all at once.
The most fairy-delighted season of the year.

Yoichi Eco Village Forest
It is colored all over with the blue of Ezo Engosaku.

Blue carpet of Ezo Ngosaku

I get excited and pick wild grass with my friends.
Then, you can enjoy the wild grass you picked deliciously.
The best feast of the year.

Tempura and dipping of wild herbs..

I had tempura and soaking with my friends with spring wild grass.
It was truly a blissful time🎵

Fukinotou, Azukina, and Ainu onion soaked

When you walk in the spring forest, the energy emanating from the plants
You can get a lot.

The benefits are enormous.
You can feel energetic.

My friends and I started our outdoor activities in 2021.
