6問目 英語を話せることは大事なことだと思いますか
This topic is one of the questions I received previously on Peing.net. The answer is presenting to you in both English and Japanese.
I have been thinking about how to answer this question for one week.
If to answer this question in the most simplified way, it would be "No, it is not that important to be able to speak English for a non-native English speaker." It is because we do not have to speak English to earn our lives in our mother countries. We have our mother tongues which can be used to communicate, to work, to enjoy our local lives and so on. We will not die as long as we do not go out of our local living communities.
最も簡単に答えると、「いいえ、母国語は英語じゃない人にとって、英語を話せることはそれほど重要ではない」でしょう。なぜかというと、 母国で生活するために英語を話す必要がないからです。母国語を使えば、日常会話、仕事、地元の生活などを楽しむことができます。地域社会から出て行かない限り、英語を話せずも大丈夫でしょう。
However, if we are living in an international metropolis, the situation will be different. We may have to do our business with international business partners, may have overseas customers, and may need to promote ourselves in a foreign language. Considering the population of English-speakers, the foreign language is likely to be English. Then, it will be essential to be able to speak English, as it affects our livelihoods.
ただし、世界の大都市に住んでいる場合、状況は異なります。 海外の取引先と商売する必要があるかもしれません。海外の顧客がくるかもしれません。自分を宣伝するに外国語を使う必要はあるかもしれません。英語の話す人口を考えれば、その外国語が英語である可能性が高い。そして、私たちの生活に影響を与えるので、英語を話せることが不可欠になると思います。
But I will not say that it is significant to be able to speak English. In my opinion, there is something that we all should have first, and it is much more valuable upon the ability to speak English.
By the way, why are we considering learning English? For a better job, which requires us to contact with foreign customers? For our favourite ones, who live and active in another nation? Or for more that I could not include them all in here?
ところで、なぜ英語を学ぶように考えているのでしょうか? 海外のお客さんと連絡を取る必要のある、より良い仕事のために? 別の国に住んで活動している私たちの推したちのために?それとも、ここでは含め切れないほどのことのために?
But no matter for which purpose, the most fundamental reason for learning English, or said, learning another language, is because we need to make communication.
Then here comes another question. Does it mean that if we can speak English well, then we can make excellent communication? I think the answer would be NO.
そして、別の疑問が来ました。英語を上手に話すことができれば、良い交流もできるということですか? 答えは「いいえ」だと思います。
Communication is more than "language". It also includes the cultural differences of the people we communicate with. For example, in country A, it may be common for local people to say hi to each other by "Hey, did you have your meal?". However, this greeting may be a very rude action in country B, as having someone's meal or not is treated as a private matter. So when someone asked "did you have your meal?" in country B, he/she may get "None of your business." as a reply, even though he/she is using the local language.
交流は「言語」以上のものと思います。 また、交流する人々の文化的な違いも含まれます。 たとえば、A国では、地元の人が「っよ!朝ごはんは食べたかい?」と挨拶することはごく一般的です。しかし、B国では、誰かが食事をしたかどうかは私的な事として扱われ、この行動は非常に失礼なことかもしれません。例え現地語を使って、「食事をしましたか?」と挨拶しても、「お前には関係のないこと!」と返されるかもしれません。
Therefore, in my opinion, it may be essential to be able to speak English. Still, if it is without understanding the cultural background and respecting the culture difference, the ability to speak English can be useless and sometimes gives a negative result.
English is just an example of many other things that are different from what we have had.
As a user of glasses, I still remember many many years ago, the period when children always made fun of me for my wearing glasses. In compare, nowadays, most of the people will not do that again, as everyone may have been used to the existence of glasses, even though they don't wear it.
But it is not uncommon to see people making discrimination and isolation due to differences, while they despite being afraid that someone will be precisely the same as themselves.
I tried my best to avoid using foreign words as much as possible in the Japanese part, and it was harder than I thought...
I tried my best to use different words when expressing the same meaning in the English part, and it was also harder than I expected...
Highly appreciate if you point out any omissions, typographical errors and grammatical errors.
Thank you for reading!