



Taylor Swift revealed that one out of every 78 songs streamed in the US last year was her own.

Data provider Luminate published last year's listening habits in the United States, and has released its annual report for 2023.

現地時間2023年11月29日、今年Spotifyで最もストリーミングされたアーティストに選ばれたテイラー・スウィフトが、ファンに感謝するために「You're Losing Me (From the Vault)」を配信した。

On November 29, 2023 local time, Taylor Swift, who was named the most streamed artist on Spotify this year, released "You're Losing Me (From the Vault)" to thank her fans.

Taylor wrote, "Wow, this doesn't seem real. I want to say thank you to everyone who listened to my music this year, anywhere in the world. Spotify's 2023 Global Top・Being selected as an artist is truly the best birthday/holiday gift you could give me.


🌁The first time I heard Tiller Swift was last year.🌁
