Ryuichi Kawamura (51), the vocalist of the rock band LUNA SEA, who underwent surgery to remove lung adenocarcinoma in January 2019, attended the ``AstraZeneca Lung Cancer Awareness Event - Lung Cancer Awareness Event'' held in Tokyo on the 9th. I attended a talk show about ``.
2019年1月に肺腺がんの摘出手術を受けたロックバンド「LUNA SEA」のボーカル、河村隆一(51)が9日、都内で行われた「アストラゼネカ肺がん啓発イベント~肺がん啓発イベント~」に出席した。 』についてのトークショーに参加してきました。
(I looked into Ryuichi Kawamura for the first time today.)
The news about cancer is also really shocking.
Mr. Kawamura said that he only learned that there are multiple types of lung cancer after he was diagnosed with the disease, and because the disease was detected at stage 1, he was able to undergo surgery at an early stage. Although he was worried that it would affect his singing, he continued to train under the instructions of his doctor and was able to return to work quickly. 2023/11/02
川村さんは、肺がんには複数の種類があることを肺がんと診断されて初めて知り、ステージ1で発見されたため早期に手術を受けることができたという。歌唱への影響を心配したが、医師の指導のもとトレーニングを続け、すぐに仕事に復帰した。 2023/11/02
Singer Ryuichi Kawamura (53), also known as RYUICHI, the vocalist of the rock band "LUNA SEA," updated his blog on the 8th. I reported my father's passing.
(I would like to condolences from the bottom of my heart心よりお悔やみ申し上げます🙏)
He wears sunglasses and looks like an artist, but his eyes are just red from crying so much. Thank you to everyone in the portable audio industry for your continued support.