🎬#tinydeskconcertsJAPAN🎬<総合テレビ>3/16(土) 23:30~24:00
\初回は #藤井風 が登場🔥/
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#TinyDesk だけの豪華メンバーでお届け😎✨
彼がクラシック音楽の名門レーベル「ドイツ・グラモフォン」からリリースしたニューアルバム『After the chaos』は、アイスランドの首都レイキャビクのスタジオに⻑期滞在し、アイスランドを拠点に活動する注目アーティストたちとコラボレーションしながらつくりあげた、ポストクラシカル的な作品である。
His new album ``After the Chaos'', released by the prestigious classical music label ``Deutsche Grammophon'', was created during a long stay in a studio in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, and in collaboration with notable artists based in Iceland. This is a post-classical piece of work that was created in a timely manner.
Work: Singer-songwriter, guitarist. Born in Japan and raised in the Philippines. Born to a Spanish-Filipino father and a Japanese mother. He started playing the piano at the age of 3 and the guitar at the age of 14 under the influence of his father, a bassist. While active in numerous bands such as ROOTLESS, Made in Asia, and a flood of circle, he also participated as a guitarist in the band RED DIAMOND DOGS led by Koshi Inaba (B'z), Kiyoharu, Shikao Suga, Nariaki Obukuro, Kaze Fujii, and EXILE ATSUSHI.
3月16日(土)23:30より放送の「tiny desk concerts JAPAN」
— にしなstaff (@nishinaofficial) March 15, 2024
藤井風さんにお声がけいただき、にしな がコーラスで参加しました🙏https://t.co/ZbWpKnHn6T@nhk_musicjp pic.twitter.com/ezCufaAgx2
NHK「tiny desk concerts JAPAN」
<総合テレビ>3/16(土) 23:30~24:00