
🌺The Spellbound🌺


I'm 52 years old 🌹 I'm still growing up. I hope to continue to entertain everyone. Thank you very much for your support!


🌹中野 雅之(なかの まさゆき、1971年12月27日 - ) - ベース、プログラミング

神奈川県出身。血液型はAB型。2015年のアルバム『SHINE LIKE A BILLION SUNS』の発表に伴い、日本人初のMastered for iTunesのマスタリング・エンジニアと認定される[2]。
Masayuki Nakano (born December 27, 1971) - Bass, programming

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture. Blood type is AB type. With the release of the album "SHINE LIKE A BILLION SUNS" in 2015, he was recognized as the first Japanese mastering engineer for Mastered for iTunes.[2]🌹

Two years ago, I had mixed feelings about a new band including even one cover of Bun Bun. But now I feel completely different.

It's like the music comes to life every time I play it. I was left behind and took the baton, and the song has been alive forever, and now it's a natural flow, and now I can play it with the words BIG LOVE.
