テイラー・スウィフトのニュー・シングル「ウィー・アー・ネヴァー・エヴァー・ゲッティング・バック・トゥギャザー」のPVが、8月30日に米MTVの特番『MTV First: Taylor Swift』の中で初放映されました。このPVは、既報の通りワンカメ、ワンテイク(カメラ1台のみを使用し、編集なし)で撮影。しかし、元カレとの回想シーンでテイラーは、なんと5回も衣装替えをしています。テイラーは米MTVに対し、衣装の早替えの大変さを説明しました。
The music video for Taylor Swift's new single ``We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together'' was aired for the first time on MTV's special program ``MTV First: Taylor Swift'' on August 30th. Ta. As previously reported, this PV was shot in one camera, one take (using only one camera, no editing). However, in the flashback scene with her ex-boyfriend, Taylor changes her outfit an astonishing five times. Taylor explained to MTV how difficult it is to quickly change costumes.
"Modesty had to be thrown out the window. All my costumes were held together with velcro or snaps, and I wore three different costumes. I was really busy. Changing costumes in real time. That's crazy. Halfway through, I got nervous and said, ``I can't do five costume changes.'' But in the end, it was successful."