

THE SPELLBOUNDが、恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて昨年5月からスタートさせた自主企画イベント"BIG LOVE"。6月20日に開催される第4弾のゲストに凛として時雨が出演することが決定した。

なお凛として時雨をゲストに迎える"BIG LOVE"第4弾のチケットは、本日2月1日22時よりTHE SPELLBOUNDのファンクラブ"友の会"にて先行受付がスタートするので、ぜひチェックしてほしい。

THE SPELLBOUND started an independently planned event "BIG LOVE" at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM last May. It has been decided that Rin Toshi Sigure will appear as a guest for the 4th event to be held on June 20th.

Pre-order tickets for the 4th edition of "BIG LOVE", which will feature Rin and Shigure as guests, will be available for pre-order at THE SPELLBOUND's fan club "Tomo no Kai" from 10:00 p.m. today, February 1st, so be sure to check it out.

[Friends' meeting]

MOVIE has been updated.

◾️2024/05/01 live broadcast [Keep the entrance bright and don't forget the fragrance]


#THESPELLBOUND #Superba #Friends ’ Association

Dream houseboat cruise 🛳️?!

Friends’ Association]

 MOVIE has been updated.

 ◾️2024/05/08 Live streaming [Japanese...Shiba Inu version with closed folds of heart]


#THESPELLBOUND #Superba #Friends ’ Association

(🌺What?! An iron heart with no heart folds (lol)襞がない鉄の心なのかな、、、笑、、、🌺)

Super cheap] Super good news for those who couldn't buy it because it was expensive! The divine cost performance models “TE-W1” and “TE-W1-PNK” that inherited the genes of successive AVIOTs are seriously too good value! This... youtu.be/WZreDjqRDh4?si... From @YouTube
