🌳「This was announced at the beginning of the ``Haruki Murakami presents Kayoko Shiraishi's scary story ``Ugetsu Monogatari'''' hosted by the Waseda University International Literature Center (Haruki Murakami Library). Mr. Murakami's story begins with his memories of Mr. Shiraishi when he entered Waseda University, and then goes on to the Waseda-Keio game he attended only once. I fell in love with Jingu Stadium, and running around the stadium was my daily routine.The first time I thought about writing a novel was when I was watching the opening game of Yakult at the age of 29. For that reason, he said, ``Jingu Gaien is an important piece of land to me. I would like to continue to voice my opposition to redevelopment.''」
これは早稲田大学国際文学センター(村上春樹図書館)が主催する「村上春樹presents 白石加代子の怖い話『雨月物語』」の冒頭で発表されたもの。村上さんの話は、早稲田大学入学時の白石さんとの思い出から始まり、一度だけ観戦した早慶戦へ。神宮球場が大好きになり、球場を走り回るのが日課だった私が初めて小説を書こうと思ったのは、29歳の時のヤクルトの開幕戦を観戦したときだった。そのため彼はこう語った。 「神宮外苑は私にとって大切な土地です。今後も再開発反対の声を上げていきたいと思います。」🌳