🏢Saturday 23rd London Alexandra Palace🏢
Don't Get Me Started Live
(👑It's a great dance step that reminds me of Atoms for Peace.アトムス・フォー・ピースを彷彿させるダンスステップ音楽で最高です👑)
🏰ロンドン万国博覧会 (1862年)で使われた建物の解体資材で造られた。1863年当時、王太子でのちのエドワード7世(1841年〜1910年)
It was constructed from demolished materials from buildings used at the London World's Fair (1862). In 1863, the Crown Prince, later King Edward VII, named it after his wife, Princess Alexandra. A fire broke out in 1873, killing three people. It was later rebuilt and included a theatre, concert hall, art gallery, museum, lecture hall, library and party room.
In the 1930s, a test television station for BBC Television was established, and the world's first television broadcast was made from here on 2 November 1936.🏰
Under Our Pillows