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今月1日にTVアニメ「シャングリラ・フロンティア」OPテーマ「BROKEN GAMES」でデビューした5人組覆面アバターバンド「FZMZ」(ヨミ:ファゾムズ)

1st Single「BROKEN GAMES」がSpotifyやApple Music, Amazon Musicといった音楽配信サービスで多くのプレイリストインを獲得し、YouTubeで公開されたリリックビデオは1週間足らずで20万回再生を超えるなど、デビュー作にも関わらず大きな話題を呼んでいる。


The five-member masked avatar band "FZMZ" debuted on the 1st of this month with the opening theme song "BROKEN GAMES" for the TV anime "Shangri-La Frontier" (Yomi: Fathoms)

The 1st single "BROKEN GAMES" has been included in many playlists on music distribution services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music, and the lyric video released on YouTube has been viewed over 200,000 times in less than a week, making it a debut work. Nevertheless, it is attracting a lot of attention.

The true identities of the five members of the "Masked Avatar Band" have been shrouded in mystery, but now, in an exclusive article from overseas anime distribution service "Crunchyroll," the true identities of three of the five members have been revealed!
