

🌹🌹🌹いよいよRIZEが再始動を果たす。『RIZE TOUR 2024“SOLU”』と銘打たれた全国7カ所を巡るツアーが、この6月から7月にかけて行なわれるのだ。ただ、通常こうしたニュースには大掛かりな活動計画や劇的な展開がつきものだが、このバンドの場合は相変わらず戦略めいたものとは無縁なままであるようだ。そんな彼らのリアルな現在を探ろうと、4月半ばの某日にインタビューに臨んだのだが、当日になってJESSE(Vo, Gt)が急用のため欠席となり、彼とは機会を改めて話をすることになった。この日、取材現場に現れたのは金子ノブアキ(Dr)、KenKen(Ba, Vo)、そしてサポート・ギタリストのRioだった。各々が多忙な毎日を過ごしているだけに、ツアーに向けてメンバー全員でリハーサルに臨める機会も限られている中、この日の彼らはJESSE不在という変則的状況でスタジオに入っていたのだという。🌹🌹🌹

(Last night I intentionally updated RIZE to 🌉 to create an environment where I don't feel safe (lol))

🌹🌹🌹RIZE has finally restarted. A tour entitled “RIZE TOUR 2024 “SOLU”” will take place from June to July, visiting seven locations across the country. But while such news usually comes with big plans and dramatic developments, this band's case seems to remain largely free of strategy. I went for an interview on a certain day in mid-April to find out about their current reality, but on that day, JESSE (Vo, Gut) was absent due to urgent business, so I decided to have another chance to talk with him. is what happened. On this day, Nobuaki Kaneko (drums), KenKen (bass, vocals), and support guitarist Rio appeared at the interview site. Due to the busy lives of each member, there are limited opportunities for all members to rehearse together for the tour, but on this day, they were in the studio in the unusual situation of JESSE not being present. .🌹🌹🌹
