Momoko Kikuchi's 40th anniversary debut EP "Eternal Harmony" will be released on April 17th!
Horie Atsushi provided the music!
"Star Mirage"
Lyrics and composition: Horie Atsushi
Arrangement: Atsushi Horie, Masaya Abe (zonji)
▼Click here for other details and comments from the person himself
菊池桃子氏 デビュー40周年記念EP「Eternal Harmony」4/17発売決定!
— ストレイテナー (@straightenerjp) February 22, 2024
▼他詳細および本人のコメントはこちらhttps://t.co/19ZWX5ZD1A#菊池桃子#ストレイテナー pic.twitter.com/zl8DZleyol
(( ;∀;)泣いていいかな。菊池桃子さん、本当に素敵です。)
菊池桃子オリジナル楽曲「Starry Sky」など収録。菊池桃子の新たな魅力の詰まった1枚です。
((;∀;) Can I cry? Momoko Kikuchi is really lovely. )
Release date decided on Wednesday, April 17, 2024!
Self-produced by Momoko Kikuchi herself, with the theme of "giving love" to express her gratitude for the 40th anniversary.
Songs collaborated with Takahito Uchisawa (androp) and Atsushi Horie (straightener), and arranged by Tetsuji Hayashi.
Includes Momoko Kikuchi's original song "Starry Sky". This is a piece filled with Momoko Kikuchi's new charm.

🌹🌹🌹Originally, Kikuchi, who has a quiet personality, expressed an interest in the entertainment world out of a light feeling of curiosity, ``I wanted to see it,'' and there was a strong admiration for the entertainment industry, and there were celebrities that he set his sights on. (It has long been a dream of mine to become an archaeologist.[40]
もともと物静かな性格の菊池は「見てみたい」という軽い好奇心から芸能界に興味を示し、芸能界への憧れが強く、著名人もいた。彼が目を付けたのは。 (考古学者になることが私の長年の夢でした。[40]🌹🌹🌹