あぶない刑事 ⚔ 太陽に、、?!Dangerous Detective''、、、
『あぶない刑事』劇場版シリーズの第8作で、『さらば あぶない刑事』(2016年)の続編。舘ひろし扮する鷹山敏樹(タカ)と柴田恭兵扮する大下勇次(ユージ)は警察を定年退職して、探偵を営んでいるという設定[3]。
The eighth film in the ``Dangerous Detective'' movie series, and the sequel to ``Farewell: Dangerous Detective'' (2016). Toshiki Takayama (Taka), played by Hiroshi Tate, and Yuji Oshita (Yuji), played by Kyohei Shibata, have retired from the police force and are working as detectives.[3]
The dangerous detective is back
🗒🗒🗒舘ひろし演じる鷹山敏樹(タカ)と柴田恭兵演じる大下勇次(ユージ)を筆頭に、レジェント級のキャストが8年ぶりに再集結した『帰ってきた あぶない刑事』。
``The Return of the Dangerous Detective'' brings together the legendary cast for the first time in eight years, led by Toshiki Takayama (Taka) played by Hiroshi Tate and Yuji Oshita (Yuji) played by Kyohei Shibata.
We interviewed Nanase Nishino, who is participating in the series for the first time, about the episode during the filming. Furthermore, as he approaches the milestone of turning 30, we asked him to look back on his career.🗒🗒🗒