yay! I'll write lyrics that just start with "ha"!
We have started reselling items that were sold out! Please hurry
・Paracord key chain
・Ufufu vol.3
・Ex-boyfriend karuta
(You might think that Higuchiai only talks about her ex-boyfriend (lol)ヒグチアイは何故元彼の話ばかりと思われるかも知れませんが、私は深く同意します💖💖💖元彼だらけ(笑))
#ex -boyfriend karuta
ate chocolate
That's a message card
#Valentine #Happy Valentine
#One last thing #to all my ex-boyfriends
#Payer is Yaa #Success or Failure Feelings
(An innocent and cute woman (lol)無邪気で怖い、、、)