浅田 弘幸(あさだ ひろゆき、1968年〈昭和43年〉2月15日[1] - )は、日本の漫画家、イラストレーター。神奈川県横浜市出身[1]。鎌倉市在住。他にあさだ ひろゆき、あさだ 宇宙一、ボビンチョ浅田 などのペンネームも使用していた。照井利幸(ex BLANKEY JET CITY)、大山純(ストレイテナー)など、ミュージシャンとも親交があり、コラボレーション作品も多い。
Hiroyuki Asada (born February 15, 1968 [1]) is a Japanese manga artist and illustrator. Born in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture [1]. Lives in Kamakura City. He also used pen names such as Hiroyuki Asada, Uchuichi Asada, and Bobincho Asada. He is friends with musicians such as Toshiyuki Terui (ex BLANKEY JET CITY) and Jun Oyama (Straightener), and has produced many collaborative works.
wild diamond - HIROYUKI ASADA the exhibition of original pictures
最新の描き下ろし漫画も掲載した「完全版-I'll-アイル」(小学館クリエイティブ)の 刊行7巻完結記念に「I'll」(集英社)の連載時の生原稿、カラー原稿等を余す所なく展示致します。また「I'll」に関する絵を総集した画集を期間中に刊行予定です。
#Hiroyuki Asada Isle Original Art Exhibition
#DS Hiroyuki Asada Original Art Exhibition
#Straightener 's tough guitarist OJ...#Jun Oyama came to visit us! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.
I was deeply moved when I saw the raw manuscript of I'll, which was serialized at the same time as the tenor era. People are connected to create the present. It gives me a lot of strength.
good morning.
Okra pork belly wrapped bento.
Magewappa is very good. I can't go back to stainless steel. .
Of course, my 13 year old was in the worst mood this morning.
But the weather is ridiculously nice♪
Take care.