RIZEが昨日6月5日に行った全国ツアー「RIZE LIVE TOUR 2024 "SOLU"」の初日にあたる神奈川・KT Zepp Yokohama公演から「カミナリ」のライブ映像がYouTubeで公開された。
A live video of ``Kaminari'' from the KT Zepp Yokohama performance in Kanagawa, which was the first day of RIZE's nationwide tour ``RIZE LIVE TOUR 2024 "SOLU"" held on June 5th, was released on YouTube.
「SOLU」は2017年開催の「RIZE TOUR 2017 "RIZE IS BACK"」以来約7年ぶりのツアーで、タイトルには“道を開く”という意味が込められている。昨日のツアー初日で撮影された「カミナリ」のライブ映像は、ステージのメンバー、フロアを埋め尽くす観客が織りなす熱量あふれる様子を捉えたもの。JESSE(Vo, G)はフロアから観客を引き上げ、マイクを持たせて歌わせる。そしてJESSEはギターを抱えたまま、押し寄せる群衆の中にダイブした。
SOLU" is their first tour in about 7 years since "RIZE TOUR 2017 "RIZE IS BACK" held in 2017, and the title has the meaning of "opening the way." The live video of "Kaminari" taken on the first day of the tour yesterday captures the enthusiasm of the members on stage and the audience filling the floor. JESSE (Vo, G) pulled up the audience from the floor, gave them microphones and made them sing. JESSE then dived into the crowd, still holding his guitar.
Ken Ken's bass sound is very pleasant.
ken ken のベースの音が心地よい。REALな音に感動と笑いが止まらない
I can't stop being impressed and laughing at the real-time RIZE Live. lol
From crazy cats😺(笑)