The other day, I wasn't able to clean the bathroom properly, so
Get started today.
Mold Killer and Pipe Unish.

Since cleaning the bathroom uses chemicals, it is ideal for m to start cleaning it immediately after he gets to school.
The reason is that the air must be replaced.
Let's do our best early tomorrow morning.
What do you think about the idea that we are waiting for Armageddon
Armageddon (also spelled Armageddon, Armageddon, Armageddon, Ancient Greek: Ἁρμαγεδών, Harmagedōn, English: Armageddon, Japanese: The Last War) is the final battle at the end of the world in the Abrahamic religions. Earth [1]. It refers to the final war between good and evil in the world, or the destruction of the world itself (the final war to end all wars. In one theory, the climax of the Great Tribulation is also called Armageddon).
ハルマゲドン(アルマゲドン、ハーマゲドン、アーマゲドンと表記される場合もある、古代ギリシャ語: Ἁρμαγεδών、Harmagedōn、英: Armageddon、日本語では最終戦争)とは、アブラハムの宗教における、世界の終末における最終的な決戦の地[1]。世界の終末的な善と悪の戦争や世界の破滅そのものを指す(戦争を終わらせる最後の戦争。一説では大艱難の頂点がハルマゲドンとも言われている)。
What do you think about the idea that Armageddon will wipe out evil and only those who believe in their God will be saved?