🌹If it was this song, I definitely wanted Kyotaro to do it, so I asked for it. For a very beautiful and fleeting moment, I felt a part of nature.
Also, the filming team was full of nice people and I was happy just to be there.
I hope this big tree will still be there many years and hundreds of years from now.🌹
「いってらっしゃい」は、ヒグチが本日11月5日に配信リリースした楽曲。各動画配信サービスで本日5日に配信スタートしたアニメ「『進撃の巨人』The Final Season完結編(各話版)」のエンディングテーマとして書き下ろされた。
(I haven't listened to it yet, but I'll be listening to it soon.)