Syrup16g(シロップじゅうろくグラム)は、日本のスリーピースロックバンド。 1996年に結成され、2008年に解散。 2014年6月27日に再結成を発表。
Igarashi named the song ``Syrup'' because, ``It's meant to be about playing the music you like as much as you like without being lazy.'' The name 16g comes from the fact that the amount of syrup in the coffee at Mister Donut when they were considering a band name was 16g. : Born in Urawa City, Saitama Prefecture. Graduated from Nihon Kogakuin Academy.
Syrup16g is a Japanese three-piece rock band. Formed in 1996 and disbanded in 2008. They announced their reunion on June 27, 2014.