


Aphex TwinことRichard D. Jamesが、1994年に若干22歳で発表した音楽史に残るアンビエント名盤『Selected Ambient Works Volume II』。Aphex Twinにとっては〈WARP〉移籍後第一弾アルバムでもある記念碑的作品が、リリースから30周年を迎え、追加音源を加えた新装エクスパンデッド・エディションでリリースされる。

Richard D. James, also known as Aphex Twin, released ``Selected Ambient Works Volume II'' in 1994 at the age of 22, one of the greatest ambient albums in music history. This monumental work, which is Aphex Twin's first album after moving to <WARP>, will be released as a new expanded edition with additional sound sources to mark the 30th anniversary of its release.

今回、このリリースを記念してタワーレコード渋谷店にて「エイフェックス・ツイン王 決定戦」と題した、タワレコ渋谷主催のクイズ大会が開催。『Selected Ambient Works Volume II』のストアプレイをバックに、Aphex Twinに関するクイズ大会を実施し優勝者には、2018年のエイフェックス・ツイン・ポップアップで話題となった「Windowlicker Umbrella」や昨年出演したフェスティバル会場のみで発売された超レアなヴァイナル、Warpロゴ・スリップマットとAphex Twinの最新Tシャツのセット一式をプレゼント。

To commemorate this release, a quiz tournament sponsored by Tower Records Shibuya will be held at Tower Records Shibuya store titled "Aphex Twin King Contest". With the store play of "Selected Ambient Works Volume II" in the background, a quiz competition about Aphex Twin was held, and the winner was given a chance to win "Windowlicker Umbrella", which was a hot topic at the 2018 Aphex Twin pop-up, and the festival venue where he performed last year. We are giving away a complete set of ultra-rare vinyl, Warp logo slipmat and Aphex Twin's latest T-shirt, which was only released in Japan.



【3CD Tracklist】

CD01 - 1. #1

CD01 - 2. #2

CD01 - 3. #3

CD01 - 4. #4

CD01 - 5. #5

CD01 - 6. #6

CD01 - 7. #7

CD01 - 8. #8

CD01 - 9. #9

CD02 - 1. #10

CD02 - 2. #11

CD02 - 3. #12

CD02 - 4. Blue Calx

CD02 - 5. #14

CD02 - 6. #15

CD02 - 7. #16

CD02 - 8. #17

CD02 - 9. #18

CD02 - 10. #19

CD03 - 1. #20

CD03 - 2. #21

CD03 - 3. #22

CD03 - 4. #23

CD03 - 5. #24

CD03 - 6. #25

CD03 - 7. th1 [evnslower]

CD03 - 8. Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev

【4LP Tracklist】

A1. #1

A2. #2

A3. #3

B1. #4

B2. #5

B3. #6

B4. #7

C1. #8

C2. #9

C3. #10

D1. #11

D2. #12

D3. Blue Calx

D4. #14

E1. #15

E2. #16

E3. #17

E4. #18

F1. #19

F2. #20

F3. #21

G1. #22

G2. #23

G3. #24

H1. #25

H2. th1 [evnslower]

H3. Rhubarb Orc. 19.53 Rev

