

清塚信也【2024年12月6 日(金)相模女子大学グリーンホール公演】

チケットぴあ プレリザーブ先行受付をお申込みのお客様へお詫びとご案内

清塚信也 12月6 日(金)相模女子大学グリーンホール公演のチケットを、チケットぴあプレリザーブ先行受付にて購入手続きをされたお客様へ


このたび、チケットぴあにて8月15 日(木)より受付を致しました「清塚信也 12月6 日(金)



To customers who purchased tickets for Shinya Kiyozuka's performance at Sagami Women's University Green Hall on Friday, December 6th at Ticket Pia Pre-Reserve.

We will guide you.

Ticket Pia has started accepting applications from August 15th (Thursday) for “Shinya Kiyozuka” December 6th (Friday)

Due to an error in the management of sales slots by the organizer, Kyodo Yokohama, during the pre-reserve advance reception for the Sagami Women's University Green Hall Performance.

We have announced more winners than we could originally sell.

I am very sorry.

We will consider rescheduling concerts for those who were unable to attend due to inconvenience.

We would like to consider ways to accommodate the event, such as holding two performances during the daytime.

However, if the time changes, some people may not be able to come.

Please let me think about what could be a little bit of care.

