Music Perfume “Sumikko Disco” anime PV released, “Tapyum” dances in the world of Sumikko
Perfume “Sumikko Disco” anime PV released, “Tapyum” dances in the world of Sumikko
November 3, 2023 8:00
1011 27 Music Natalie Editorial Department
Music Perfume「すみっコディスコ」アニメPV公開、すみっコの世界を「たぴゅむ」が踊る
2023年11月3日 8:00
1011 27 音楽ナタリーNatalie 編集部
Sumikko is a general term for the friends who gather in a corner where the corner is calm. Most of the characters have complexes and are a little negative, but in contrast, there are a certain number of characters who have a positive way of looking at things (Zasso, Dust, Ajifurai no Shishi, etc.). Preferring corners is just a matter of habit, and has nothing to do with personality.