えっ?!今、知りました✨✨✨! I just found out✨✨✨✨✨✨
『ザ・ボーイ・アンド・ザ・サギ』がアニメーション部門最優秀作品賞の受賞おめでとうございます! 🎦
Congratulations to The Boy and the Heron on the WIN for Best Picture – Animated! 🎦 #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/ysLdEj3h1p
— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) January 8, 2024
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) January 8, 2024
第81回ゴールデン・グローブ賞授賞式が現地時間7日に米ロサンゼルスで行われ、宮崎駿監督作『君たちはどう生きるか』がアニメーション作品賞を受賞した。日本作品の同部門受賞は史上初の快挙となる。 pic.twitter.com/G0uZ3b2MN1
[Congratulations] Ghibli's "How to Live" wins Golden Globe Award!
The 81st Golden Globe Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles on the 7th local time, and Hayao Miyazaki's ``How Do You Live?'' won the award for best animated film. This is the first time in history that a Japanese work has won the award in this category.
LOS ANGELES = Kayo Goto] The announcement and award ceremony of the 81st Golden Globe Awards, which is said to predict the fate of the Academy Awards, was held on the 7th at a hotel in Beverly Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles. ``Will I Live?'' won the Best Animated Film Award. This is the first Japanese work to win this award.
『君たちはどう生きるか』ゴールデン・グローブ賞受賞、本当におめでとうございます!僕はLAには行けなかったのですが、プロデューサー陣らすずめチームは現地に入っております。会場ではいろいろな方に『すずめ』にもあたたかなお言葉をいただけたとのことです。ハリソン・フォードとすずめの椅子! pic.twitter.com/L8VQmrNLUO
— 新海誠 (@shinkaimakoto) January 8, 2024
Congratulations on winning the Golden Globe Award for “How Do You Live?” I wasn't able to go to LA, but the producers, the Rasuzume team, were there. It is said that various people at the venue had kind words for ``Suzume.'' Harrison Ford and the sparrow chair!