10/24(木)新宿LOFT歌舞伎町移転25周年PREMIUM EVENTLOFT PROJECT presents『ENDSCAPE vol.38』
Lately I've only been performing once a month, so when I saw Stena's official TL, which has a lot of live performances announced, I got palpitations.
[LIVE information update]
Shinjuku LOFT Kabukicho 25th Anniversary PREMIUM EVENT
LOFT PROJECT presents “ENDSCAPE vol.38”
at Shinjuku LOFT
Straightener will appear!
O.A: Hwyl
🔻🔺 Official 3rd advance🔺🔻
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Hwyl 2nd one-man “WAND Lv.2”
🎟️Third advance registration has started ✍️
*Until 7/15 (Monday/Holiday) 23:59
I'll be waiting for you 🤜
Pre-order lottery starts now!
▼Click here for ticket reception and details
タワーレコードは、日本のバンド文化を盛り上げる企画「ああバンドやりたい!」の第6弾アンバサダーとして、東京庶民代表スリーピースバンドHwyl(読み:ヒュイル)が決定!4月9日(火)より全国のタワーレコード、TOWERmini店頭でポスター掲示をはじめ、タワーレコード オンラインを含む全店で「ああバンドやりたい!」キャンペーンを開催します。
Tower Records has selected Hwyl, a three-piece band representing the common people of Tokyo, as the 6th ambassador for the project "Oh, I want to do a band!" to enliven Japanese band culture! From April 9th (Tuesday), posters will be displayed at Tower Records and TOWERmini stores nationwide, and the "Oh, I want to be in a band!" campaign will be held at all stores, including Tower Records Online.
The project ``Oh, I want to be in a band!'', which started in the spring of 2023, is a campaign by Tower Records that introduces the cutting edge of young bands that make you want to say out loud, ``Being in a band is great!''
(オープニングアクトとは一言で言えば前座のことです。 O.A. と簡略化されて表記されていることも多いです。 サポート・アクト(Support Act)、フロント・アクト(Front Act)とも呼ばれることもありますが、全て共通してメインに出るアーティストの前に会場を盛り上げることを指します。2019/04/23)