

Because I received a lot of power. Until it's time to return it.沢山貰ったから、返す時まで、、、

(🌹🌹🌹There are no words after "until you return it," so let's try to visualize it.返す時までの後の言葉が、ないのでimageしよう🌹🌹🌹)


Maki Ishii

Ishii Maki



Born in 1981. Tokyo. AB type.

When I was 17 years old, I spent my time drawing pictures.

I picked up the camera my father had left behind, the NIKON F2.

An encounter with a camera and photography.

The photo is shashin.

It records the temperature of the air that exists there.

Changing a moment forever.

In addition to holding a solo exhibition every year, I also publish poetry and photography series, CD jackets, book covers, still photos from movies, etc.

Works on live photos of musicians and artist photos.


Ishii Maki





父がのこしたカメラ NIKON F2 を手にしたのが

カメラとの 写真との 出逢い。

写真 は 写心。

そこに存在する空気 温度を 写しこむ。

一瞬を 永遠に 変えてゆく。

毎年個展をひらくほか 詩と写真での連載・CDジャケットや本の表紙・映画のスチール写真・


2009年から カンボジアの農民の自立支援を促す活動を始める。🌎

Even though I love ARABAKI the most in Japan, I was afraid to welcome ARABAKI this year, and I was also afraid to take pictures of this stage. Even though I was so anxious the day before that I felt like I was going to throw up, she asked me to take a photo and pushed me. Hooray.

It was the first time I was so scared to take a photo.

I'm glad I was able to photograph it.

Arabaki was love again this year.

The stage was beyond amazing, filled with rock'n'roll dreams from end to end, and showed us so much love for the past and the future.


I'm really thankful to you.

Arabaki. I love you.

I hope to see you here again next year.

