⬛ken ken 🎩佐藤タイジ⬛
— KenKen (@kenken_RIZE) July 25, 2024
American Horror Story was one of the most interesting dramas.
— KenKen (@kenken_RIZE) July 25, 2024
音源も出てます。 https://t.co/l20suDSahu
We are not collaborating with Taiji, but we are forming a duo called ComplianS.
The sound source is also available.
For Beginners
佐藤タイジが語るComplianSの音楽 KenKenとの超強力ファンク・グルーヴの真髄に迫る
ギター・マガジン Interview R&B/Soul/Funk Rock
2022-12-05 R&B/Soul/Funk Rock
日本を代表するロック・ミュージシャンの佐藤タイジと、ベース・ヒーローであるKenKenによって結成された注目のバンド、ComplianS(読み:コンプライアンス)。彼らが記念すべき1stアルバム『GLOBAL COMPLIANCE』を完成させた。作品には、聴き手の心も体も踊らせるグルーヴィなナンバーを多数収録。アコースティック・ギターをファズで歪ませるなど、自由な発想で楽曲を躍動させる佐藤タイジに作品制作を振り返ってもらった。
取材:尾藤雅哉(ソウ・スウィート・パブリッシング) 写真:
Taiji Sato talks about the music of ComplianS, approaching the essence of the super powerful funk groove with KenKen
Guitar Magazine Interview R&B/Soul/Funk Rock
Taiji Sato talks about the music of ComplianS
Approaching the essence of the super powerful funk groove with KenKen
2022-12-05 R&B/Soul/Funk Rock
ComplianS is a band formed by Taiji Sato, one of Japan's leading rock musicians, and KenKen, a bass hero. They have completed their memorable 1st album ``GLOBAL COMPLIANCE''. The work includes many groovy numbers that will make the listener's heart and body dance. We asked Taiji Sato, who brings his songs to life with free ideas such as distorting an acoustic guitar with fuzz, to look back on his production.