🎸のんちゃん🎸Char’s 69th Year Exhibition POP UP』が6月11日(火)~15日(土)に東京・渋谷のギャラリー🎸
日本のロック・シーンを牽引し続けているギタリストのChar氏が、今年で“69歳=ROCKイヤー”を迎えることを記念した『Char’s 69th Year Exhibition POP UP』が6月11日(火)~15日(土)に東京・渋谷のギャラリー『INSPIRATION CULT BAR&GALLERY』(場所:東京都渋谷区東2丁目22-3)で開催されます。
Char氏の所属事務所であるziccaから、のんがプロデュースするアップサイクルブランド・OUI OU(ウィ・ユー)のコンセプトに共感をいただき、コラボレーションが本イベントで実現しました!
OUI OUは、🌹推しといつも一緒に過ごせる "ライフ with 推し” 🌹をコンセプトに展開し、アーティストのステージ衣装や私服を、クリエイターの手によって1点もののアート作品にアップサイクル。
これまで「のんと忌野清志郎と仲井戸”CHABO”麗市 2022 WINTER COLLECTION」「2023 SPRING COLLECTION@ARABAKI ROCK FEST.」と2度の企画を実現してきました。
今回の企画は、OUI OU(ウィ・ユー)がのん本人の衣装を離れて単独アーティストコラボをする、初めてのイベントとなります。
``Char's 69th Year Exhibition POP UP'' will be held from June 11th (Tuesday) to June 15th to commemorate Mr. Char, a guitarist who continues to lead the Japanese rock scene, turning 69 years old = ROCK year this year. It will be held on Sunday (Saturday) at the gallery "INSPIRATION CULT BAR & GALLERY" in Shibuya, Tokyo (location: 2-22-3 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo).
Mr. Char's agency, zicca, sympathized with the concept of OUI OU, an upcycle brand produced by Non, and the collaboration was realized at this event!
🌹OUI OU is based on the concept of "life with oshi," where you can always spend time with your oshi,🌹 and artists' stage costumes and personal clothes are upcycled by creators into one-of-a-kind works of art.
So far, we have realized two projects: “Nonto Kiyoshiro Imawano and Nakaido “CHABO” Reiichi 2022 WINTER COLLECTION” and “2023 SPRING COLLECTION @ ARABAKI ROCK FEST.”
This project will be the first time that OUI OU will be collaborating with an independent artist without wearing Non's costumes.
His mother is a practicing otorhinolaryngologist and ophthalmologist.[1] He started learning the piano at the age of 7, and at the age of 8 started playing the guitar under the influence of his older brother. According to him, he continued to play the piano until he was 18 years old, and was aiming to attend a music university in the future.