MVの監督は、kZmやBAD HOPなどの映像作品も手がける気鋭の映像ディレクター・Ryo Suda氏が担当。
The MV was directed by Ryo Suda, an up-and-coming video director who has also worked on video works for kZm and BAD HOP.
🌹First a ⬜⬜⬜ appears, and it's disturbing.
I think it's perfect for waking up in the morning.
A member of the Krow Fam led by MASA a.k.a KROW, he has won numerous dance battles with his power and skills, and has been given the KRUMP name by American dancer Konkrete, making him a special presence. Interview with Maito, a 13-year-old super dancer who has recently participated in artist tours and is active in the media.
MASA a.k.a KROW率いるKrow Famのメンバーで、パワーとスキルを武器に数々のダンスバトルで優勝を飾り、アメリカのダンサーKonkreteからKRUMPネームを貰うなどスペシャルな存在。最近ではアーティストのツアーにも参加しメディアでも活躍する13歳のスーパーダンサーMaitoさんにインタビューしてきました!
野田洋次郎 Yojiro Noda – STRESS ME [Official Music Video]