今日「猛暑です」のイラスト描いた🥰🌞まだ寒いけど、夏になってこの曲を聴くのが楽しみ❤️🔥 #猛暑です #イラスト #ヒグチアイ pic.twitter.com/1uYJduBFtA
— あみ (@_ami_1_ami_) March 10, 2024
I drew an illustration for "It's extremely hot" today 🌞 It's still cold, but I'm looking forward to listening to this song in the summer ❤️🔥 #It 's extremely hot #Illustration #Higuchiai
— ヒグチアイ (@HiguchiAi) March 12, 2024
自分が高校生のとき、東京からきたバンドと対バンした際に「すごくいい」って言ってもらったことがそこから2年ぐらいの自分の励みでした。全てが懐かしく、でも確かな思い出。 https://t.co/nkhCHf09lb
I will be making a guest appearance at Nagano JUNKBOX today. This is an event by local high school students for local high school students.
When I was in high school, we performed with a band from Tokyo and they told us that it was really great, and that was a source of encouragement for me over the next two years. Everything is nostalgic, but it's a sure memory.