
backnumber anti sleeps


「This tour will be a first for Back Number, and will be held in a paired band format with guest artists at each performance. In response to requests from the members, 16 guest groups were chosen to perform, including Perfume, BE:FIRST, Golden Bomber, Saucy Dog, Vaundy, My Hair is Bad, Macaroni Pencil, and Creep Hype. Also, of this tour, the name of back number's Yorori Shimizu (Vo, G) is listed as a guest for the Saitama Super Arena performances on October 26th and 27th. Shimizu said, ``I'm shouting out to people like us who will blow us away in an instant if we don't go beyond the existing concept of a back number and give 120% energy. (Excluding Saitama Super Arena) It's going to be a battle of battles that will get your blood pumping and your muscles pumping.'' Please look forward to it!”

このツアーはback numberとして初となる、各公演にゲストアーティストを迎えた対バン形式で行われる。メンバーからのリクエストに応えて出演が決まったゲストはPerfume、BE:FIRST、ゴールデンボンバー、Saucy Dog、Vaundy、My Hair is Bad、マカロニえんぴつ、クリープハイプら豪華16組。また本ツアーのうち、10月26、27日の埼玉・さいたまスーパーアリーナ公演のゲストにはback numberの清水依与吏(Vo, G)の名前が記されている。清水は「既存のback numberという概念を飛び越えて120%のエネルギーで臨まなければ俺たちなど一瞬で蹴散らしてくれる人達にお声がけしました」

LIVE information update]

8/17 (Sat) & 18 (Sun)

back number "anti sleeps tour 2024"

at Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super Arena

Straightener will be making a guest appearance!

back number fastest one room member advance registration (lottery)

Today, 5/8 (Wed) 12:00 to 5/15 (Wed) 18:59

Click here for details

