


In areas centered on the Kanto region, offerings to Toshigami (Toshigami) are held on January 11th[7] after Matsunouchi (January 7th)[6] (may vary depending on weekends, holidays, etc.) ). It was originally held on the Koshogatsu (January 15th), the end of the Matsunouchi period, and later on January 20th, but Tokugawa Iemitsu died on April 20th, 1651 (June 8th, 1651). Therefore, January 20th was avoided as a day of remembrance, and later it was set as Matsunouchi[8], and then January 11th.

剣道などの武道では、新年の道場の開きに鏡開き(あるいはお汁粉)が行われる習慣がその名残です。元々は武家で始まった行事で、切腹を連想させるとして包丁などの刃物で切ることが禁じられていたため、手で割ったり、木槌で開いたりするようになりました。 2023/12/17

In martial arts such as Kendo, a remnant of this tradition is the custom of holding Kagami-biraki (or oshiruko) at the opening of the dojo in the New Year. This event originally began in samurai families, and as it was forbidden to cut with knives or other cutlery because it was reminiscent of seppuku, people began to split it open by hand or with a mallet. 2023/12/17

by the  way 

🌹Botan Ichikawa is amazing and I will write about her later.🌹
