「Knife Edge」のビジュアルは「Confidenza」の編集を担当したアエル・ダリエ・ベガが、映画の本編シーンを再編集している。また、収録曲である「Prize Giving」(https://www.youtube.com/OJpAf8CA7J8)も同時公開されている。サウンドトラックの導入曲「The Big City」は、2月にトム・ヨークがザ・スマイルのBBC 6 Music Artist in Residenceシリーズのプレイリスト内で一足先に披露しているもの。ロッテルダム国際映画祭でワールド・プレミア上映された映画「Confidenza」は、5月1日から東京・有楽町朝日ホールで開幕する「イタリア映画祭2024」でも「信頼」の邦題で上映される予定だ。
One More Life! A family drama created by Italian master director Daniele Lucchetti, known for works such as ``Until I Become Pope'', based on Domenico Starnone's novel ``Shoelaces''.
Early 1980s. The peaceful days of a family of four living in Naples are completely changed by her father Aldo's affair. The children travel back and forth between Rome and Naples, watching their parents' bitter arguments, their father's attractive mistress, and their mother Vanda's breakdown. Several years later, the separated family ends up living together again by chance. Years later, Aldo and Vanda go on a summer vacation, but when they return home, they find that their house has been severely vandalized and their cat is gone.
(I'm very happy to know some details.詳細が少し解りとても嬉しい💖💖💖)