
🌁miraculous distance of being🌁

I think it was difficult to bring it in at night, so thank you to all the cool staff.

🗒🗒🗒驚異的 に、奇跡的 に・Miraculously, one engine restarted and the plane landed safely. : 奇跡的 にもう一つのエンジンがかかって飛行機は無事に着陸しました。🗒🗒🗒

[#NCIS Ikeshi Jack]

#NothingsBudokan This event has ended due to the unprecedented project of displaying the equipment used the next day. Thank you so much for visiting us!

I hope you enjoy seeing the equipment that adorned that stage at the 🌹miraculous distance🌹 of being "closer than the last" 🎸👀

🌹🧑Lessons resume from today🌹
