
📳清塚信也📲そして、気象庁 「令和6年能登半島地震」と命名 石川県能登地方の地震

Japan Meteorological Agency Names “Reiwa 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” Earthquake in Noto region, Ishikawa Prefecture

Press the power button 5 times

When you try to make an emergency call and 5-Press to Call is turned on, your iPhone starts a countdown and sounds an alert tone. When the countdown ends, a call will be made automatically to emergency services. "Report discreetly" is available on iOS 16.3 and later.

Thank you, Fujiya Avic, for your campaign.

Although there is a mood of self-restraint, it is important for everyone who is safe to continue doing things as normal.

A portion of the sales of earphones and pidphones is used for support funds. I want to reduce everyone's sadness and increase their 


