I watched EIGHT-JAM, which was being recorded.
Shiori Sekine wants to talk
Y continues to be loved by rock fans
I think Y or S would be a better fit, but that depends on the person.
This program is a rare program that tends to broadcast the videos I created on terrestrial TV (lol).
You can also watch it on TV!
#Private loophole
今夜は川谷絵音が、影響を受けたというThe Novembers小林祐介と番組初共演!! さらに、番組ではお馴染みの小出祐介と同じBase Ball Bearのメンバーの関根史織が初登場!!
天才すぎて先を行き過ぎたミュージシャン N
35年間、ロックファンに愛され続ける天才 Y
聴いたことのない音楽を奏でる天才 S
会いたいけど叶わない天国の天才 K
アーティストゲスト:小林祐介(The Novembers)・川谷絵音・関根史織(Base Ball Bear)
◇Program content These three professionals are the geniuses that they really want to talk about!
A musician who was so talented that he went too far ahead
Genius Y who continues to be loved by rock fans for 35 years
A genius who plays music you've never heard before S
K, the genius in heaven that I want to meet but can't come true
What is the appeal of these four geniuses?Professionals speak passionately!!
◇Performers SUPER EIGHT
Manager: Arata Furuta
Artist guest: Yusuke Kobayashi (The Novembers), Enon Kawatani, Shiori Sekine (Base Ball Bear)
Talk guest: Shigeo Takahashi (Savannah)
◇Notice☆ For missed broadcasts, TELASA and TVer! Search for “EIGHT-JAM”!!