🗒Skream!よりa flood of circle🗒
GANG PARADEのライヴ・レポート公開中。"遊び人"と近い距離で1つになり、やっぱりライヴハウスが似合うと感じさせた、猛暑の夜の"AVANTGARDE PARADE TOUR"ファイナルをレポート#GANGPARADE #ギャンパレ #ギャンパレオルスタライブハウスツアー #ギャンパレライブ https://t.co/0ZfyLtdF4b
— Skream! (@skream_japan) July 21, 2024
GANG PARADE's live report is now available. Reporting on the ``AVANTGARDE PARADE TOUR'' final on a very hot night where we became one with the ``players'' and felt that it was a good fit for a live house after all.
#GANGPARADE #Ganpare #Ganpare Orsta Live House Tour #Ganpare Live
a flood of circle、8/2野音公演にて15周年を記念した新曲「虫けらの詩」発表&配信決定。リリース10周年"GOLDEN TIME 再現ライブ"、SIX LOUNGEとの共同企画も開催発表 https://t.co/XhoUBpOLuP pic.twitter.com/fKlf0OqkjN
— Skream! (@skream_japan) July 21, 2024
a flood of circle will announce and distribute their new song “Mushikera no Uta”(Insect bits🐞🐛) to commemorate their 15th anniversary at Yaon performance on 8/2. 10th anniversary of release "GOLDEN TIME reenactment live", joint project with SIX LOUNGE announced skream.jp/news/2024/07/a…