QUARANTINE DIARY DAY10 2020.9.03(Thu.)


台湾では美術館も舞台公演もパンフレットをQRコードで読める様にさせていたのをいくつか見て以来、2年前位から実は少しずつ試していた。最近では[Invisible Things](2020)も当日パンフレットとアンケートはQRコードで読み取るスタイルだった。これらの制作は手間暇が掛かる作業なもので、直前であくせくと忙しい私達にとって、より作品に時間を掛けられるという事はとても有難かったりする。

Last night, while I was on my PC, I was listening to the background music of Japanese folk song”Soran-bushi” by local Japanese people, which Esplanade Theatre in Singapore was doing LIVE on Facebook.
I thought that Japanese traditional performing arts, which I listen from Singapore, don't get in the way of my work. I've always had trouble thinking while listening to the radio, but it wasn't so bad.

By the way, if we talk about the future of the stage, I think our industry will not have to make their own flyers and brochures.
Ah, I don't think it will go away, but I think we won't be able to expect demand like before.
In Taiwan, they sometimes made it possible to read brochures of museums and stage performances with QR codes.
Since then, I've actually tried it little by little.
Recently, "Invisible Things"(2020) has also provided QRcode.
This is very helpful because it takes a lot of time and effort to make a brochures and a survey, and it is hard to prepare cause we are very busy every time.
