次の英文の( )内に入れるのにもっとも適当なものを a~dの中から1つ選びなさい。
(1) France is famous ( ) wine.
a. at
b. for
c. of
d. to
(2) My mother always puts some money ( ) for use in an emergency.
a. aside
b. forth
c. on
d. over
(3) Mike has been to Europe. So ( ) I.
a. am
b. do
c. had
d. have
(4) Because that was a very easy question, ( ) the students got it right.
a. almost all
b. few of
c. none of
d. not all
(5) It is nice to see you again. I am very ( ) to have you here.
a. bothered
b. delighted
c. exciting
d. interesting
(6) British naval officers went on an ( ) to the North Pole more than a hundred years ago.
a. expedition
b. explanation
c. explosion
d. expression
(7) It ( ) for a week. I wonder when it will stop. I don't like the rainy season.
a. had rained
b. has been raining
c. rains
d. would have been raining
(8) A: May I use your phone?
B: ( ) yourself.
a. Get
b. Have
c. Help
d. Offer
(9) This dress is ( ) as that one.
a. as expensive twice
b. expensive as twice
c. much as twice expensive
d. twice as expensive
(10) A: I have a ( )
B: You had better see a dentist.
a. fever
b. headache
c. sore throat
d. toothache
(11) My computer is out of ( ). I have to have it repaired.
a. duty
b. key
c. money
d. order
(12) Cindy talks about everything to anybody. That is ( ) we kept this decision secret from her.
a. how
b. what
c. which
d. why
(13) She is a great pianist ( ) performances always move the audience.
a. that
b. which
c. whom
d. whose
(14) Victor ( ) go fishing with his father every Sunday. He doesn't do so now.
a. got used to
b. is used to
c. used to
d. was used to
(15) If I had exercised more, I ( ) run faster in the race last week.
a. could have
b. did
c. have
d. will have
France is famous ( ) wine.
正解は b. for です。この文は「フランスはワインで有名だ」という意味で、"famous for"は「〜で有名である」という意味の固定表現です。My mother always puts some money ( ) for use in an emergency.
正解は a. aside です。「非常時に使うために母はいつもお金を少し取っておく」という意味で、"put aside"は「取っておく、蓄える」という意味のフレーズです。Mike has been to Europe. So ( ) I.
正解は d. have です。「マイクはヨーロッパに行ったことがある。私もそうだ」という意味で、"have been to"は「〜に行ったことがある」という意味のフレーズです。Because that was a very easy question, ( ) the students got it right.
正解は a. almost all です。「それはとても簡単な問題だったので、ほとんど全ての生徒が正解した」という意味で、"almost all"は「ほとんど全て」という意味です。It is nice to see you again. I am very ( ) to have you here.
正解は b. delighted です。「またお会いできて嬉しいです。あなたがここにいてくれてとても喜んでいます」という意味で、"delighted"は「喜んでいる」という意味です。British naval officers went on an ( ) to the North Pole more than a hundred years ago.
正解は a. expedition です。「100年以上前にイギリスの海軍士官たちは北極への( )に出かけた」という文脈から、「expedition」(遠征、探検)が適切です。It ( ) for a week. I wonder when it will stop. I don't like the rainy season.
正解は b. has been raining です。「一週間雨が( )」という文脈から、「has been raining」(降り続けている)が適切です。A: May I use your phone? B: ( ) yourself.
正解は c. Help です。「あなたの電話を使ってもいいですか?」「( )自分で」から、「Help」(助けて)が適切です。This dress is ( ) as that one.
正解は d. twice as expensive です。「このドレスはあのドレスと同じくらい( )」という文脈から、「twice as expensive」(2倍高い)が適切です。A: I have a ( ) B: You had better see a dentist.
正解は d. toothache です。「私は( )がある」「あなたは歯医者に行った方がいい」という文脈から、「toothache」(歯痛)が適切です。My computer is out of ( ). I have to have it repaired.
正解は d. order です。「私のコンピューターは( )で、修理しなければならない」という文脈から、「order」(順序、命令)が適切です。Cindy talks about everything to anybody. That is ( ) we kept this decision secret from her.
正解は d. why です。「シンディは誰にでも何でも話す。それが私たちがこの決定を彼女から秘密にした( )」という文脈から、「why」(なぜ)が適切です。She is a great pianist ( ) performances always move the audience.
正解は d. whose です。「彼女は素晴らしいピアニストで、( )の演奏は常に観客を感動させる」という文脈から、「whose」(その)が適切です。Victor ( ) go fishing with his father every Sunday. He doesn't do so now.
正解は c. used to です。「ビクターは毎週日曜日に父親と釣りに( )。今はそうしない」という文脈から、「used to」(以前は~したものだ)が適切です。If I had exercised more, I ( ) run faster in the race last week.
正解は a. could have です。「もし私がもっと運動していたら、私は先週のレースでもっと早く走る( )だった」という文脈から、「could have」(~することができた)が適切です。