
Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba announced his aim for a "Fun Japan" in his policy address.

Tokyo - On the 24th, Prime Minister Ishiba delivered his policy speech, outlining his vision for a "Fun Japan" where individuals can achieve self-realization, and announcing the "Reiwa Era Japan Archipelago Remodeling" with regional revitalization at its core.

Addressing a joint session of the Diet, Prime Minister Ishiba stated that "this year marks the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II and the 100th year of the Showa era. It is a time to reflect on Japan's journey and consider a new Japan for the future," emphasizing this as the "fundamental axis of nation-building."

He further stated, "We have had a 'Strong Japan' led by the nation and a 'Rich Japan' led by corporations. From now on, I want to aim for a 'Fun Japan' led by each and every one of you." He described "Fun Japan" as "a nation where everyone feels safe and secure, challenges their dreams, and feels that 'tomorrow will be better than today.' A vibrant nation where individuals with diverse values respect each other and strive for self-realization."

Furthermore, he emphasized that "the core policy for realizing a 'Fun Japan' is 'Regional Revitalization 2.0,' and we will powerfully promote this as the 'Reiwa Era Japan Archipelago Remodeling.'"

The "Reiwa Era Japan Archipelago Remodeling" consists of five pillars: "Regions chosen by young people and women," "Relocation and creation of industry-academia-government collaborations in regions," "Regional innovation creation initiative," "New era infrastructure development," and "Wide-area region collaboration."

Regarding economy, finance, and social security, he stated, "Based on the recognition that 'wage increases are the key to growth strategy,' we will aim to improve the income of the people and the productivity of the overall economy, starting with wage increases that do not lose to price increases." He also added, "It is important to encourage asset formation utilizing current and future wage increases, and we will strengthen 'Asset Management Nation' initiatives such as enhancing NISA and iDeCo."

On disaster prevention, he said, "We will establish a Disaster Prevention Agency within the Cabinet Office as a control tower for disaster response, and fundamentally strengthen the functions of the Cabinet Office's disaster prevention division both in terms of budget and personnel. Based on this, we will accelerate preparations to establish the Disaster Prevention Agency within FY2028."

Concerning public safety, he declared, "While crime has been on a long-term downward trend, many citizens feel that public safety is deteriorating. Robberies and fraud through 'dark part-time jobs,' sophisticated cybercrimes, and cases of women being exploited by malicious host clubs are occurring one after another. We will powerfully promote crime prevention measures and realize 'the world's safest Japan.' We will thoroughly crack down on anonymous and fluid criminal groups through undercover operations. We will promote the deletion of recruitment information for 'dark part-time jobs,' raise awareness among young people through SNS, etc., and support the installation of security cameras."

Regarding diplomacy and security, in response to the increasing military activities of China and Russia and North Korea's nuclear and missile development, he stated, "We will pay utmost attention to the balance of power, enhance our own capabilities, elevate the Japan-US alliance to even greater heights, and further expand and deepen cooperation with like-minded countries."

Regarding the strengthening of the human resource base of the Self-Defense Forces, he said, "The shortage of Self-Defense Force personnel is an extremely serious issue. We will implement unprecedented initiatives such as the establishment of over 30 allowances and increases in their amounts, starting in FY2027. We will submit a bill that includes improving the attractiveness of SDF personnel's treatment and creating an environment where SDF personnel who retire at a young age can play an active role after retirement."

On political reform, he said, "How should we balance public subsidies, funds from corporations and individuals, and expenditures by politicians themselves? Given the special treatment of receiving public subsidies and being generally tax-exempt, how should we think about the appropriate discipline for political parties and groups, and how should we guarantee such discipline? I want to deepen discussions beyond party lines, including the legal framework for this purpose."

Regarding constitutional amendment, he stated, "Based on the evolving public awareness and international situation, it is the responsibility of us Diet members to present to the people, the sovereign, a vision for the ideal form of the Constitution, which defines the nature of our nation."

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