Rescue the Azov Battalion!    🇺🇦Glory to Azov battalion defending Ukraine. 👏👏👏    God bless all the heroes.🙏🙏🙏

 According to Zorin, a senior official of the Azov Battalion, there are approximately 500 wounded soldiers inside the Azovstal Steelworks, and about 100 civilians may still be left behind. Deputy Head of State Bereshchuk said that on the evening of November 11, he proposed to the Russian side to evacuate the wounded soldiers remaining in the ironworks in exchange for the release of Russian prisoners of war. There is also talk of a rescue from the Black Sea with the assistance of Turkish vessels. It is hoped that this will be realized as soon as possible.Five days have passed and no progress seems to have been made. Negotiations themselves are difficult, and it seems that a lot of time is needed.
 On May 15, Mayor Mariupoi's advisor said on a social networking site that Nazi Russia had launched white phosphorous bombs or incendiary bombs and that it looked as if hell had descended on the city. The situation is getting worse, and we must simultaneously negotiate the rescue of civilians and wounded soldiers, replenish relief supplies and weapons, and rescue the more than 1,000-strong Azov Battalion, which is completely surrounded by the Nazi Russian Z and under daily bombardment.
 Although it may vary from platoon to platoon or company to company, the shortages of supplies, medicine, and weapons are reaching their limits, and the only effective way to rescue them may be to plan and execute an operation to hit the encircling Nazi Russian Zs.